Thursday, August 13, 2009

Striking a Balance

I feel like I haven't been here in quite's so easy to get entirely caught up in learning a bit about something else! And that would be twitter land, and tweeting, and twitalyzer, and on and on. That is a whole 'nother world unto itself! Golly! I have no idea where people find the time to engage in so many online activities and still live a life outside their computer screen. And even after I've left the monitor screen my mind seems to still be there, plugged in, so to speak. I will have to find a way to strike a balance." " The coils in the one picture are made of strips of fabric, and are used for binding quilts. There are about 225 yards altogether. Monday evening I'll take them along to our local quilt guild meeting, and hand them over to the Kidz Quilts group leader. Kidz Quilts are smaller quilts made and donated to a local hospital for children who are terminally ill, or to wrap tiny babies who have ceased to breathe. The bright blue bundles were for the project of sending bundles of sewing supplies to Iraqi women. I enjoyed digging into my stash for fabrics that I thought would delight. It also felt like a tiny little something I could do to "assuage my conscience" for the horrors of a needless war. Time for a cup of coffee..and to make plans for a creative day....

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