Thursday, August 21, 2014

parenting yourself...


"Your ego self can be rather extreme, often working with all or nothing energies. It cooks up grand schemes that sound dangerous and elicit fear, or it stagnates and digs in with great resistance. Dear Ones, there are all kinds of options that exist between either extreme! There is an wide opportunity for growth and movement between the two. Think of your ego as a wild and petulant child, and your job is to love it and to make wise decisions that serve the whole.

Is there a big dream you would like to attain, but you put it off because it feels too big? Is there an extreme that tempts you even though you know it wouldn't be in your best interest? Consider both the attention seeking behaviour of your ego.

If you decide you wish to embrace moving forward in your life to your highest experiences, know that a little bit at a time accumulates to great change. Consistency is key! Accept that the flow of creation has times of acceleration, and pause, and embrace both with an intention for continued progress. There is a wide swath of energy available for you to use for all your heartfelt creations that will absolutely get you where you wish to be, safely and efficiently, if you become your own loving parent and make decisions from the base of your innate wisdom and authenticity."
~Archangel Gabriel

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