The Wrong Key
by Sarah Nolt (Notes) on Thursday, April 25, 2013 at 10:19am
words "Love is the Key that Opens Heaven's Door" have been going
through my mind this of a song I learned as a younger
person. I have occasionally thought about how this is the wrong key.
Now, I'm going to verbalize it. Not that there is anything actually
wrong with Love as a Key. It's just that that is not the key.
Forgiveness is the Key. Heaven IS Love, or the state of Love, our original pre-body state as Spirit.
Forgiving little grievances, imagined or otherwise, is nice, but it's not the
Master Key. The kind of Forgiveness that is needed is the kind that
sees that all one's thinking and seeing as an individual had been based
on erroneous thinking and seeing. Individuality is based on...well,
based on being an individual - separate and apart somehow from other
individuals... uniquely better than, or uniquely worse than even.
to a major (or minor) religion is not a key, either. It can be helpful.
Mostly, though it ends up being just more mental constructs and
edifices. Ultimately, at some point those walls will have to come down