Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Wrong Key

The Wrong Key

by Sarah Nolt (Notes) on Thursday, April 25, 2013 at 10:19am

The words "Love is the Key that Opens Heaven's Door" have been going through my mind this of a song I learned as a younger person. I have occasionally thought about how this is the wrong key. Now, I'm going to verbalize it. Not that there is anything actually wrong with Love as a Key. It's just that that is not the key. Forgiveness is the Key. Heaven IS Love, or the state of Love, our original pre-body state as Spirit. 

Forgiving little grievances, imagined or otherwise, is nice, but it's not the Master Key. The kind of Forgiveness that is needed is the kind that sees that all one's thinking and seeing as an individual had been based on erroneous thinking and seeing. Individuality is based on...well, based on being an individual - separate and apart somehow from other individuals... uniquely better than, or uniquely worse than even. 

Conversion to a major (or minor) religion is not a key, either. It can be helpful. Mostly, though it ends up being just  more mental constructs and edifices. Ultimately, at some point those walls will have to come down too. 

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Sepia Dream

Early this morning I had a dream that woke me up. First of all, in real life, I cannot swim - not even float. Last time I checked anyway! In the dream, I was crossing a river by walking on a long bridge that it seemed I crossed often. I was very familiar with it. There were no guide rails at the sides. It seemed like "they" had been re-doing the bridge, and the only way I could see where I was going was a straight thin line in the middle of the road. It was dusk, with everything in sepia colors. The farther I walked the less clearly I could see the line. It became snowy. The road, the river, the scenery all blended more or less into one seamless experience. The line disappeared. The bridge was now at the level of the river. Then I began to see patches in the snow. I could still faintly see the bank on the other side. Too late, I realized what the patches were. Holes. I stepped into a hole and sank down beneath the surface. I thought, this is where I finally have my drowning experience. I've had a lifelong fear of drowning in water. There was some kind of purple plaid wool encapsulation surrounding me, and much to my surprise I found I could actually breathe. My lungs were not filling up with water.  Still not quite trusting in the fact that I could breathe there I felt if I stayed still and just let myself be there I wouldn't use up the oxygen in my lungs or body. Then I woke up, and it was 5:00 A.M.
Despite my lifelong fear of some day drowning this dream was not frightening.
Drowning in Love is not to be feared.
The Bridge has been redone recently. It's easier now to crossover.
Yellow Rose from Circe's Garden

Monday, April 22, 2013

Happy is the New Wealthy

"Learn to like what doesn’t cost much. Learn to like reading, conversation, music. Learn to like plain food, plain service, plain cooking. Learn to like fields, trees, brooks, hiking, rowing, climbing hills. Learn to like people, even though some of them may be different…different from you. Learn to like to work and enjoy the satisfaction doing your job as well as it can be done. Learn to like the song of birds, the companionship of dogs and cats. Learn to like gardening, puttering around the house, and fixing things. Learn to like the sunrise and sunset, the beating of rain on the roof and windows, and the gentle fall of snow on a winter day. Most of all, learn to keep your wants simple and refuse to be controlled by the likes and dislikes of others." 
~ Lowell C. Bennion
Basket of Greens gratis Circe's Backyard  Garden  

(Lettuce, Carrot Tops and Onion Tops)

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Surface Tension and Humor

Last night, as I was doing a sink full of dishes by hand (yes, manually in this digital age - somehow, I  like it - most of the time) and scrubbing a kitty food plate I was remembering how my most recent ex - boyfriend told me the reason dish soap works for cleaning dishes, etc. is because it breaks the surface tension of the dirt. Once broken, it can be removed easily. Actually, I still don't get the chemistry aspect of why dish soap breaks the surface tension of dried-up food on a plate and not the plate too?  But, hey! I missed out on high school, and didn't get to chemistry on the way to acquiring a GED. I get that it works because I've seen it in action...a lot. Back to last night, and my dishwashing occurred to me that surface tension is what holds this world together. That thought lead to another thought. When my siblings and I were little kids we fought like many kids do. If it got out of hand, in my experience, I would find my dad and report to him that my brother was fighting me.  What I wanted was for him to make my brother stop fighting. His answer though invaluable always angered me then. He would invariably say to me, "It takes two to fight, but only one to stop fighting. You can stop the fighting any time you want to. Just walk away."
Walk away, and it's over. Break the surface tension.
Sometimes people complain that "Peace is boring. Who wants it?" Well, that's just it. Who does want it? Certainly not the highly individualized sense of self - for it needs tension for its very existence. Push/pull.
Humor goes a very, very long way in breaking surface tension. It can...when we choose to laugh instead of taking everything so effin' seriously.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Rose Colored Glasses vs Rose Colored Vision

"Looking through rose colored glasses has been given a bad rap, 
and rightly so. 
However, there is another kind of Rose-Colored Vision...
the kind that practices Quantum Forgiveness - 
on purpose."
Louis Philippe Rose

Monday, April 8, 2013

Mooji on Presence vs persons

"I never get tired of Presence, but persons become a strain."

~ Mooji

8th of April, 2013
I have to admit "persons" DO become a strain. I become a strain to myself!
Easy does it! 