At the beginning of this year we were told by the Beings of Light in
the Realms of Illumined Truth that 2014 would be a year like no other.
It seems like that was an understatement. Powerful Activities of Light
have taken place this year involving the entire Company of Heaven and
the I AM Presence of every man, woman, and child on Earth. These events
are literally catapulting Humanity and the Earth forward in the Light.
The results of these events have helped reverse the adverse effects of
our fall from Grace, including the schism that was created between
Humanity and the Elemental Kingdom when we fell into the illusion of
separation and duality.
One of the most tragic things
that occurred with the “fall” is that we lost awareness of the Divine
Intelligence associated with the Elemental Kingdom. In the midst of the
chaos that we inadvertently created through ignorance and the misuse of
our thoughts, feelings, words, and actions, our fragmented and
fear-based human ego came to the erroneous conclusion that the Earth is
an inanimate object that Humanity has the right to use and abuse as we
choose. Most of the atrocities we have inflicted on this Planet are the
result of that distorted belief system. The gross mutations of disease,
aging, degeneration, famines, plagues, pestilence, and all of the
inclement weather conditions are a reflection of Humanity’s fallen
consciousness and the result of our human ego’s lack of awareness of the
Elemental Kingdom. Even death, as we know it now, is a human
miscreation and not part of God’s original Divine Plan.
For a very long time the Elemental Kingdom has been thought of as a mere
fantasy by the masses of Humanity. Periodically there have been groups
and cultures that awakened to the reality of the Divine Intelligence
within the elements and nature, but that has been rare. Now we are in
the midst of the greatest shift of energy, vibration, and consciousness
the world has ever known, but it cannot be accomplished without the
conscious and deliberate cooperation of Humanity and the Elemental
Throughout history we have heard of people who
have completed their learning experiences on Earth which enabled them to
attain their Ascension at the end of a particular lifetime. The most
well known Ascended Masters are Jesus, Mother Mary, and Saint Germain.
Their Ascension allowed them to move up the Spiral of Evolution and to
continue the next phase of their evolutionary process.
Now you and I are in the midst of our Ascension. The difference this
time is that we are taking the Earth and ALL Life evolving on this
Planet with us. We are not going to leave our physical bodies and Ascend
after we have gone through the process we call death, as many people in
the past have done. This time we are going to transform the elements of
our physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies from carbon-based
planetary cells into 5th-Dimensional Crystalline-based Solar Light
Cells. We are also going to transform the elements that comprise the
physical, etheric, mental, and emotional strata in the bodies of Mother
Earth into the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline-based Solar Light Cells
associated with the New Earth. This will allow every particle and wave
of precious Life energy evolving on this Planet to God Victoriously
Ascend up the Spiral of Evolution and to become One with the New Earth
as we embark on the next phase of our evolutionary process. What is
vital for each and every one of us to comprehend is that our Ascension
onto the New Earth cannot be accomplished without the cooperation and
the assistance of the Elemental Kingdom.
Elemental Kingdom is also the Divine Intelligence that is invested with
the responsibility of projecting the earth, air, fire, water, and ether
elements into the thoughtforms and emotions Humanity is creating
everyday through the use of our free will and our creative faculties of
thought and feeling. Without the Elemental Kingdom manifesting our
thoughts and feelings in the physical world of form, we would not be
able to experience the results of what we are creating on Earth. By
actually experiencing what we are creating with every thought, feeling,
word, and action we are learning what is loving and what is not loving
about our creations. Step by step, we are learning to become cocreators
with our Father-Mother God and we are learning to fulfill our Divine
When we began our Earthly sojourn aeons ago,
we were each assigned an Elemental Being who volunteered to remain with
us throughout all of our Lifetimes. This Being is known as our Body
Elemental. The purpose of this Divine Collaboration is for our Body
Elemental to help us learn to become cocreators with our Father-Mother
God by manifesting the thoughts and feelings we express everyday through
our free will choices.
The original plan was for us to
observe all of the patterns of perfection in the Causal Body of God, and
then through our unique perception and our unique ways of thinking and
feeling, we would create previously unknown expressions of Divinity.
This would expand the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth and teach us to be
cocreators with our Father-Mother God. Unfortunately, when we fell into
the paralyzing grip of separation and duality and developed our
fear-based human egos everything changed. From that point on, instead of
creating Heaven on Earth we used our free will and our thoughts and
feelings to create all manner of pain and suffering. With that tragic
occurrence, our Body Elemental and the Elemental Beings associated with
the earth, air, fire, water, and ether elements were forced to create
gross mutations not only in Humanity’s physical, etheric, mental, and
emotional bodies, but throughout the Nature Kingdom and the Bodies of
Mother Earth as well. These mutations have manifested, and are
manifesting now, as every conceivable form of pain and suffering on this
Now let’s fast forward to this Cosmic Moment.
We are in the midst of Ascending into the infinite perfection of the
5th-Dimensional New Earth. However, the ONLY way we are going to
successfully Ascend into the patterns of perfection for the New Earth,
and to create the physical bodies of vibrant health, eternal youth, and
radiant beauty that all of the prophecies have told us we will abide in
on the New Earth, is for Humanity and our Body Elementals to heal the
schism between us and to begin cooperating on a conscious level. The
fastest and most effective way of doing that is for ALL of us to
transcend our human egos, and to begin functioning from the level of
Christ Consciousness associated with our I AM Presence. Due to the
miracles that have taken place since the birth of the New Earth on
December 21 - 22, 2012, that shift of consciousness has already begun
and will be much easier than you might imagine.
the month of April 2014, we are receiving an unprecedented influx of
Light that will assist us in accomplishing our goals in what will seem
like miraculous ways. As you read the following words, KNOW that you are
powerful beyond our knowing and that this month Humanity is being
presented with a life-transforming opportunity.
the Activities of Light that have taken place so far in 2014, our pineal
and pituitary glands have been activated to the highest frequency we
have experienced since our fall from Grace aeons ago. This activation
lifted Humanity into a higher state of Christ Consciousness and gave our
I AM Presence direct access to the Divine Alchemy taking place within
our physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies. This Divine Alchemy
is gradually transforming our carbon-based planetary cells into
5th-Dimensional Crystalline-based Solar Light Cells. This transformation
is being accomplished through the intervention of our I AM Presence and
our Body Elementals. That Activity of Light paved the way for an
amazing event that took place with the influx of Light that occurred
during the March Equinox.
The Equinox reflects the
moment on Earth when day and night are balanced. It also reflects the
Cosmic Moment when the Inbreath and Outbreath of our Father-Mother God
are brought into perfect balance. When the Equinox occurred on March
20-21, 2014, Humanity was vibrating at a level of Christ Consciousness
that allowed our I AM Presence to breathe the Holy Breath of our
Father-Mother God through our pineal and pituitary glands and into our
right- and left-brain hemispheres. This influx of God’s Divine Breath
brought our physical brain structures into a new level of balance.
Once that was accomplished, the Masculine and Feminine Polarities of
God flowed through Humanity’s spinal columns recalibrating and
strengthening our nervous systems. This process widened the shaft of
Light that flows through our spines, our chakra systems, our acupuncture
meridians and into every atomic and subatomic particle and wave of
energy in our Earthly Bodies.
With this event God
Victoriously accomplished through the cooperation of every person’s I AM
Presence and Body Elemental, Humanity can now withstand and assimilate
higher frequencies of 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light than ever
before. This is greatly accelerating the Divine Alchemy of transforming
our carbon-based planetary cells into Crystalline-based Solar Light
Cells of infinite perfection.
I know it is difficult to
fathom the wonders that are unfolding on this Planet now that we have
birthed the New Earth. This is especially true since we can still see
the chaos surfacing from the old Earth to be healed and transmuted into
Light. But I assure you, your I AM Presence and your Body Elemental are
well aware of the miraculous shift into Christ Consciousness that is
taking place within your heart and mind. This shift is playing a major
part in healing the schism that our human egos caused with our Body
Regardless of how aware or how oblivious a
person may be of the miracles taking place on Earth, each and every one
of us is moving forward into the frequencies of the New Earth. There is
no turning back. Now Humanity, our Body Elementals, the Elemental
Kingdom, and the Earth are in position to benefit in astounding ways
from the influxes of Light we will be blessed with in April 2014.
Every year, following the March Equinox, the Resurrection Flame begins
to bathe the Earth in its glorious Light. This is the Sacred Fire from
the Heart of God that restores Life and awakens the sleeping Elemental
Kingdom. Because of the changes that have already taken place in 2014,
this Gift from our Father-Mother God will bless Humanity, our Body
Elementals, and the Elemental Kingdom by lifting us up in more powerful
ways than ever before.
April 14-15, 2014, we will
experience the Passover Full Moon which is always the first Full Moon
following the March Equinox. This year on the Passover Full Moon we will
be blessed with a total Lunar Eclipse. Eclipses are celestial
alignments that bathe the Earth and all her Life in frequencies of Light
that greatly amplify whatever we are empowering with our thoughts,
feelings, words, actions, beliefs, and memories. As long as we are
focusing on what we want to create in our lives, and not the things we
do not want, Eclipses are wonderful opportunities for growth and
transformation. This Eclipse will be an exceptionally powerful time to
release and let go of anything that no longer serves our highest good,
and it will provide us with an amazing opportunity to empower the
patterns of perfection for the New Earth, the Divine Alchemy taking
place within our Earthly Bodies, and all of our hopes, dreams, visions,
and heart desires.
On April 20th, billions people around
the world will celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus the Christ. Easter
is always the first Sunday following the first Full Moon after the March
Equinox. Billions of people focusing their attention on the
Resurrection of Jesus on Easter Morning will form a collective Cup of
Humanity’s Consciousness. This Chalice of Light will provide an open
portal through which the Light of God will flow to accelerate the return
to Christ Consciousness which is unfolding within every person on Earth
through the Divine Intervention of his or her I AM Presence. This is
what Jesus meant by the 2nd Coming of the Christ.
Humanity’s return to Christ Consciousness is occurring regardless of a
person’s religious affiliations or whether or not he or she even
believes in God or the potential of a higher level of consciousness.
This is happening through the I AM Presence of all of our sisters and
brothers in the Family of Humanity because we are One and there is no
“I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with
the I AM Presence of ALL Humanity. As I AM lifted up ALL Life is lifted
up with me. And so it is.”
There seems to be a lot of
discussion about whether Jesus was actually crucified and whether or not
he was Resurrected. Jesus and the Company of Heaven have clearly stated
that the crucifixion and the Resurrection were critical facets of
Jesus’ Divine Mission and that indeed both events did occur. But
unfortunately, as has occurred with most of Jesus’ teachings, the
crucifixion and the Resurrection have been grossly misinterpreted.
Jesus was not tortured and crucified because we are so evil and such
worthless sinners and worms in the dust that he had to be brutalized in
order to save us. Jesus agreed to go through that experience because he
wanted to demonstrate in a profound and powerful way that there is
nothing Humanity’s fear-based human egos can inflict on our Earthly Body
that will destroy the Divine Presence abiding in that body.
During his Resurrection, Jesus transformed his carbon-based planetary
body into the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline-based Solar Light Body he
would need in order to Ascend into the timeless, spaceless frequencies
of the 5th Dimension. When Mary Magdalene saw Jesus after his
Resurrection he said to her, “Do not touch me, my body is not of this
world.” Forty days later, Jesus Ascended into the 5th-Dimensional Realms
of Light and the next phase of his evolutionary process.
Jesus wanted to anchor an archetype and to model for Humanity the
Divine Alchemy we would all go through in the Ascension process we are
now experiencing as we move into the 5th-Dimensional New Earth. He also
clearly demonstrated the Path of Divine Love that would lead to the
return of Christ Consciousness Humanity is now in the process of
On Easter Morning, as the Resurrection
Flame bathes the Earth in more Light than Humanity has previously been
able to endure, every person and every particle and wave of Life on
Earth will be Resurrected into higher frequencies of Light than we have
experienced since we fell from Christ Consciousness into the fragmented
consciousness of our human egos. This is a Cosmic Moment that we can all
take advantage of by being aware of what is happening and by affirming
the reality of the experience.
“I AM the Resurrection
and the Life of Planet Earth and ALL her Life, now made manifest and
sustained by God’s Divine Grace. And so it is.”
Following the Activity of Light that will bless all Life on Easter
Morning, we will experience a very rare and a very powerful Cardinal
Grand Cross Alignment that will catapult the Elemental Kingdom forward
in the Light. This event will greatly accelerate the Divine Alchemy that
is taking place within our Earthly Bodies and the Bodies of Mother
Earth. It will also exponentially expand the Healing and the Forgiveness
that is taking place between Humanity and the Elemental Kingdom. This
enhanced Healing and Forgiveness will greatly empower Humanity’s ability
to transcend the maladies our human egos miscreated on the old Earth.
The peak of the Cardinal Grand Cross Alignment will bathe the Earth
April 22nd-23rd-24th, 2014. The Planets involved in this Grand Cross are
Mars, Uranus, Pluto, and Jupiter. These four Planets will form a Grand
Cross by aligning at exactly 13 degrees in Aries which represents the
Fire Element and Humanity’s mental body, Cancer which represents the
Water Elemental and Humanity’s emotional body, Libra which represents
the Air Element and Humanity’s etheric body, and Capricorn which
represents the Earth Element and Humanity’s physical body.
This will be an incredibly powerful time for all of us to focus on the
Divine Alchemy that is taking place within our four Earthly Bodies as
they are transformed from carbon-based cells into Crystalline-based
Solar Light Cells. These are the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline-based Solar
Light Bodies Jesus demonstrated for us when he was Resurrected. They
are the bodies that will reflect the vibrant health, eternal youth, and
infinite perfection we will all experience when our Ascension onto the
New Earth is complete.
The Elemental Kingdom and the Divine Alchemy In Our Earthly Bodies
As you can see from the information that the Company of Heaven has
shared with us, working on a conscious level with our Body Elementals
and the Elemental Kingdom is the to KEY to a rapid Ascension process. It
is ONLY through the conscious cooperation of Humanity and the Elemental
Kingdom that we will Ascend into the patterns of perfection for the New
Earth and our Crystalline Light Bodies of vibrant health, eternal
youth, and infinite perfection.
For several decades,
unprecedented outer-world Activities of Light have taken place that were
specifically designed to awaken Humanity and to reacquaint us with the
reality of the Elemental Kingdom, and how these Beings have selflessly
served Humanity during our Earthly sojourn. A very long time ago, the
Mighty Elohim and the Directors of the Elemental Kingdom asked if I
would document these events, so that when we arrived at this Cosmic
Moment in our Ascension process there would be a record of the Divine
Intervention and the incredible service rendered to Humanity by the
Elemental Kingdom. They said this documentation would be tangible
evidence that would eliminate any doubt in the hearts and minds of
Humanity that these Beings do in fact exist.
To assist
all of us during this unprecedented time, I have gone through all of the
life-transforming and enlightening information I have received and
shared over the years that was given to me for the benefit of all
Humanity by the Mighty Elohim and the Directors of the Elements.
I have edited this massive accumulation of Sacred Knowledge down to the
very highest, the most timely, and the most vitally important
information for this phase of our Ascension onto the New Earth.
In order to make these Celestial Sharings readily available to anyone
who is interested, I recorded a set of 2 CDs containing as much of the
information as possible. The CDs are titled Divine Alchemy.
We are offering the set of 2 CDs at a reduced rate, so they will be
more accessible for you during the incredible influxes of Light we will
experience in April and throughout the rest of 2014.
addition to the important information designed to convince Humanity of
the profound Truth that the Elemental Kingdom does indeed exist, the CDs
contain powerful visualizations and tools that have been given to us by
the Company of Heaven to help all of us accelerate the Divine Alchemy
taking place within our Earthly Bodies at this time.
Anyone who is willing to invoke his or her I AM Presence and utilize the
powerful tools of Divine Alchemy revealed on this set of 2 CDs will
experience positive and amazing changes in their bodies and in their
everyday life experiences.
If you are interested in
ordering the Divine Alchemy CDs please do so by going to our website.
Just click on the link below and you will be taken directly to the
Divine Alchemy CDs. They are available as physical CDs that will be
mailed to you, or MP3s that you can download onto your computer or your
electronic devices.
Disclaimer: there is no monetary or material gain for posting this information to the author of this blog.