Sunday, July 19, 2015

identifying with the specificness of you and embracing the universality of you...

"The specific, meaning what you call the body, will not disappear but it will not fascinate you anymore. You will not choose to view anything from its standpoint anymore. And it will be your body but so will the petal of the rose, and so will the wall, and so will the tree and so will much more of the Kingdom of Heaven that isn't registering with you right now be recognized by you as part of your infinite being.

Mind you, as I said, as this happens you will also be becoming aware of the infiniteness of you and your attention will shift from body identification, from identifying with the specificness of you and embracing the universality of you. When this shift occurs into the universality of you being the vantage point from which you experience All That Is, the body won't disappear but it won't be important to you anymore. It's in that sense that you could say your body will disappear because it will no longer be present in the function that you had been using as you are in this moment today."
posted by Trisha Darrenger
Small Zafu Meditation Cushion by ZafuChi on etsy

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