Sunday, October 28, 2012

Another Jacob's Ladder Quilt Top

Another Jacob's Ladder (unquilted) Quilt Top in earth tones, and a warm cinnamon border.Taking outdoor photos was tricky because it was quite breezy.  The quilt is hanging sideways. (74" x 92")
"Jacob's Ladder Quilt Top" - Double Size

"Jacob's Ladder patches" - Up Close
Most of this was done today...a few blocks were left from the previous top. I was surprised to see it became another double bed size quilt. Now I am out of these fabrics, and I'm not going to get more unless I have special requests.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Jacob's Ladder Quilt Top and Happy Flag

Moving right along here on Jacob's Ladder Quilt Top #5....

Jacob's Ladder Prototype

This is a layout to see how adding the muslin and forest green blocks looks...I like it. It's both more subdued and more sophisticated. The muslin fabric came from the circle cutouts from the backs of Dresden Plate patches...never throw fabric out! I mean, who would. It's simply unthinkable. Of course.

Fraternizing Attempt?
That's my mailbox with the happy flag...well, it's always just so good to see the mail carrier! Is there a National Mail Carrier's day by now? No. Make that International Mail Carrier's day.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

KidZ Quilts; and Where Do my Quilts End Up?

My membership to our local quilt guild has lapsed quite a number of moons ago, & not because it wasn't absolutely fascinating to attend. It was! It's just that I am such a die-hard morning person. It really takes a lot to drag me out of the house in the evening part of the day when every part of body and soul are begging to be laid to rest for the night on my very own sweet bed. But, when I was a member in good standing I enjoyed "Show and Tell" most of all the activities. The guild participated in making quilts for children that were hospitalized with serious illnesses. "KidZ Quilts" they called them. Like the one pictured here.

KidZ Quilt
made by Gentle Hand Quilter in 2006
Recently, I found this cute quilt by Gentle Hand Quilter Maritza of our fair city at the Goodwill I frequent - priced at less than $3.00.  I looked at it. And looked at it - not quite believing my eyes. Wow! So, we never really do know where not only our handiwork but also our charity is going to end up - do we? Anyway, it's here now and I am going to get it to a good home.

Dhyana or Meditation

osho sez:
"The Hindi word for meditation is DHYANA; the connotation is very different. By meditation, one thing is meant in English; by DHYANA something else is meant. So first we must understand the basic difference between these two words. Meditation is not a right translation, because by meditation thinking is implied. When we say someone is meditating, it means someone is thinking about something. In meditation an object is implied. In dhyan, no-object is a basic condition. By dhyan is meant a meditative mood without any object.

Objects must cease, mind must become just a pure mirror - a mirroring, not mirroring anything - just a mirror without any object in it, a pure mirror. By dhyan, this purity of the mind is indicated.

So first, no object should be in the mind. Mind must remain alone without thinking about anything - with no thought, just a consciousness, just an awareness, just an alertness.

This alertness without any object is meditation." ~ osho
Purple Zafu Meditation Cushion

 Last one of the Purple Corduroy Zafus still available at my etsy store...

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Dresden Plate Quilt Block

Dresden Plate Quilt Block  10-17-2012
Six of these blocks have been completed - 12 more to applique tomorrow.  It's been a rainy kind of day - great for mellowing out but not so much for creativity. Not me, anyway!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Forgiveness Process – Accepting Atonement (by Nouk Sanchez)

Forgiveness Process – Accepting Atonement (by Nouk Sanchez)

1. I recognize I am not at peace, so I must be wrong-minded. And I want to be at peace so I ask Spirit to help me look at my mind.

2. I remember that any sign of threat, pain, sickness, sadness or grief, anger, conflict, or scarcity is not part of God. I acknowledge this is the ‘ego’ in my mind. I remember that I must deny the ego’s appearances and focus on the Love that is Truth, beyond all appearances.

3. I invite You (Spirit) in to look at these fears and judgments with me. I will not judge myself or another while we do this. I will leave a space of total non-judgment, so as you can fill it with Love and healing.

4. As I look on it all, I say to myself with sincerity, “Even while this appears as a problem, and despite feeling fear, sadness, anxiety, anger, guilt,  doubt or poverty – I open myself to receive healing through the miracle, in this instant.”
5. God is in everything I see, because God is in my mind. What God sees through my mind, is healed. Together, we look past ‘ego appearances’ as they represent our unconscious ‘wishes with the ego’. In looking past appearances we join with God (light) in asking to perceive what is true, beyond ego appearances (darkness)…this is forgiveness.

6. A Prayer to Spirit within:

“Spirit, I accept the miracle being Your Atonement; I accept Your divine correction of error in my mind, and I allow Your healing to flow through my mind. I accept that You can heal both the cause and effects of any problem, as they are both in my mind together. If the problem’s ‘appearance’ continues, or if there are continuing ‘symptoms’ (appearances) that cause me to doubt – then I offer these doubts to You as well, to correct in my mind. I remember that in any holy instant that I sincerely accept Atonement, it is done! To continue to be concerned after I have forgiven and accepted Atonement, is to doubt Your Love and prolong the illusion of time and suffering. Remember: Love without trust is impossible; doubt and trust cannot coexist.”

~Nouk Sanchez