Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Ave 2014...

"Everything about yesterday has gone with yesterday.
Today, it is needed to say new things."
~ Rumi
Best Wishes (art card)

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Thursday, December 25, 2014

music as the reset button...

Ah, Christmas Day!
Every year, around mid-morning I usually "see" all the wrapping paper 
that now lies in tatters on the floor around the Christmas tree, 
children busy playing with their new gifts,
and all the good food that is being prepared for families everywhere -
 particularly in America.

While I am happy that other people get so much out of this holiday 
I personally don't invest a whole lot of energy in it any more.
After a noon meal of roast chicken, baked potatoes, 
and steamed kale, and topped off with pecan pie, 
I was ready for a nice long nap on the living room couch
 along with my two kitties.

In spite of not really getting into the holiday festivities
 it still feels like a holiday to me so no work related activities today.
 I felt like seeing if anything would catch my eye on Netflix streaming, 
and happened across the movie "Frequencies".
I highly recommend this movie. One of the more important lines in the movie is 
"Music is the reset button. In particular, the music of Mozart." 
Mozart's music helps us unify our individual frequencies.


God with us...

the lens...

Monday, December 22, 2014

mind like still water...

"We can make our minds so like still water that beings gather around us, 
that they may see their own images,
 and so live for a moment with a clearer perhaps even fiercer life 
because of our quiet."

  ~William Butler Yeats


"Develop a peaceful spirit, 
and thousands around you will be saved."

~St. Seraphim of Sarov


"Abstract Seascape"

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Friday, December 19, 2014

yesterday is now...

"It's good to leave each day behind
Like flowing water, free of sadness,
Yesterday is gone and its tale told,
Today new seeds are growing."
~ Rumi

"Live Here Now" - watercolor art

available by SIGnatureShop on etsy

Thursday, December 18, 2014

collisions with the Infinite...

I came across a facebook post about Suzanne Segal, 
and as it happens sometimes I feel somehow electrically compelled 
to follow up for more information. I want to read the book she wrote. 
It's on my amazon wish list. If I still feel strongly that I want to read it I can buy it in a couple days. Or, maybe tomorrow, or this evening. But, best to wait a little
 to see if the feeling persists beyond this now to a future now.


One day in 1982, while boarding a bus in Paris,  27 year old  Suzanne Segal experienced a sudden shift in her consciousness. She described the experience in her book, Collisions With the Infinite:
"I lifted my right foot to step up into the bus and collided head-on with an invisible force that entered my awareness like a silently exploding stick of dynamite, blowing the door of my usual consciousness open and off its hinges, splitting me in two. In the gaping space that appeared, what I had previously called 'me' was forcefully pushed out of its usual location inside me into a new location that was approximately a foot behind and to the left of my head. 'I' was now behind my body looking out at the world without using the body's eyes."

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

on letting go and getting on with it...

As we get closer to the end of 2014 the following message 
from a facebook friend spoke so clearly to me that I felt to share it... Sarah
AA Gabriel´s Daily Message ~ Tuesday December 16, 2014

If you could see the innate mastery of each and every soul – their complete competence to have the exact life experiences their souls wish to have – you would never again see anyone as being wrong. You would then be freed up to concentrate on your own experiences and your own creations, which would be wisely putting your focus on the only thing that you do have control over.

Your concern over what others are doing is such a distraction! Letting that go allows you to have so much more energy to pour into your own inspirations and experiences, which will always lead you to far greater joy, freedom and self expression. Be energetically selective, Dear Ones. Send love to others, advise and guide if asked, other than that, allow them to be the experts on themselves and concentrate on what you do have control over – your own life expression.

Archangel Gabriel

Monday, December 8, 2014

miss takes...


We are all worthy of the best life has to offer. 
This has nothing to do with us as individuals.
Or, us as a whole.
It has everything to do with Love. 
Love would only offer us the best,
 because of the nature of Love.
Love is good and beautiful.
We mis-create otherwise, by miss-take.


Batik Butterfly Zafu Meditation Cushion

Friday, December 5, 2014

from poverty thinking to abundance thinking...

For most of 2014 I have been pondering thoughts about the scarcity principle,
 and how to get past it once and for all time. 
This morning I was re-reading a blog post by Martha Beck about Overhelpers Anonymous, 
and as it so often happens I found myself reading more of her posts,
 and stumbled across the one about "When and How to Say Enough",
 and moving from "just in case" to "just in time"....
In this one blog post I found my answer! 
See if it speaks to you as well - if you are experiencing lack, that is.


Fish In Pond (Wish of Abundance)

artwork by HsiaoYunArt - available on etsy 

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

inner Light...

"Be grateful for your life, every detail of it,
and your face will come to shine like a sun, and
everyone who sees it will be made glad and peaceful."
~ Jalal al-Din Rumi~

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

G is for Gratitude, Generosity and Graciousness

There are many approaches to living life. One is to focus on the guiding compass of gratitude, generosity and graciousness. - See more at:
"Be Gracious" Mandala


There are various approaches to living life.
Gratitude, generosity and graciousness make us joyful.
(paraphrased - David Steindl-Rast)
G is for Gratitude, Generosity and Graciousness

There are many approaches to living life. One is to focus on the guiding compass of gratitude, generosity and graciousness - See more at:
There are many approaches to living life. One is to focus on the guiding compass of gratitude, generosity and graciousness. - See more at:

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

self absorbed or Self Absorbed?

"That prayer is most pure 
in which the monk is no longer aware
 of himself 
or of the fact that he is praying."
~St Anthony of the Desert


Colonization: Herodotus 1

tahliaday artwork - available on esty 

Monday, November 24, 2014

it's all relative...

"Since everything is what it is 
by virtue of its relations to other things, 
this means that I as an individual 
am constituted by my relations 
to other people, institutions, places, actions, etc. 
There is no self-grounding inner core of the individual. 
Our lives are entirely dependent processes."
~William S. Cobb

Graffiti Man
available on etsy by BorianaMihailovska

Thursday, November 20, 2014

created from Silence...

"Within each of us there is a silence – 
a silence as vast as the universe. 
We are afraid of it . . . and we long for it.

When we experience that silence, 
we remember who we are: 
creatures of the stars, 
created from the birth of galaxies, 
created from the cooling of this plane, 
created from dust and gas, 
created from the elements, 
 created from time and space . . . 
created from silence." 
~Gunilla Norris ~


"Ethereal Art"

by ArtistLydiaMakepeace - available on etsy 


Wednesday, November 19, 2014

butterfly kisses - to ease worry...

"To kiss a forehead is to erase worry.
I kiss your forehead.
To kiss the eyes is to lift sleeplessness.
I kiss your eyes.
To kiss the lips is to drink water.
I kiss your lips.
To kiss a forehead is to erase memory.
I kiss your forehead."
~ Marina Tsvetaeva


"Butterfly Kisses" - fractal art

artwork by DreamTree - available on etsy 


Tuesday, November 18, 2014

divinity is shining through - but only all the time...

"We are living in a world 
that is absolutely transparent 
and the divine is shining through it 
all the time. 
This is not just a nice story 
or a fable, 
it is true.” 
~ Thomas Merton


"Light and Day"

artwork by DoodlePaintings - available on etsy 


Sunday, November 16, 2014

being of service...

"There is a joy and simplicity
 that comes from starting your day 
 wishing to be of the greatest service to all. 
You will naturally and excitedly enter into the flow 
in a very open-hearted way if that is your intention. 
From there you will find yourself having opportunities
 to make a difference, whether it be getting something
 from a high shelf for someone who can’t reach, 
smiling, having a word of encouragement 
for someone who needs it, giving directions, 
or any other manner of assistance.
When you are approaching your day 
with the intention of being of service, 
you will find more people approach you.
 There will be something about you
 that people are drawn to in a positive way. 
It will be because you are automatically expressing 
the wholeness of yourself, 
your highest vibration. You will feel happy and assured, 
as well, because you know you are always 
exactly where you are meant to be. 
Your light will shine brightly
 when you are intending to be of service.
Service need not be overwhelming. 
The little things can make a tremendous difference,
 far more than you realize. 
If there were no opportunities to serve during your day, 
know that just holding your highest vibration
 is of tremendous assistance to your loved ones,
 the energy of your home, your community, your planet. 
It is a beautiful and deeply satisfying way to approach life."
 ~Archangel Gabriel

"Coral Fields of Love"

artwork by kellybermudez on etsy 



Saturday, November 15, 2014

a peaceful spirit...

"Develop a peaceful spirit, 
and thousands around you 
will be saved."
 ~St. Seraphim of Sarov

"Peaceful Print"

available by KristinLeeHagerArt on etsy 


~~~~ 0~~~~

"Abstract Pink Sunset"

by BarbaraRosenzweig - available on etsy 

Friday, November 14, 2014

entertaining our true Self...

"Our Responsibility is to be still
 and let Omnipresence flow. We need not take thought
or plan anything; we just live whatever flows
through which will be every quality of God. Why?
 Because that is what we are entertaining
in consciousness:
We do not have to think
thoughts of generosity, forgiveness, or abundance.
We have only to abide in Omnipresence,
Omniscience, and Omnipotence,
 and when we do that
we lose all capacity for anything but God,
and God flows through.
We find ourselves being
 loving, generous, kind, and pure,
but we have not had to take thought about it."
~Joel Goldsmith

"Ocean Bliss"

artwork by KathyMortonStanion - available on etsy 

Thursday, November 13, 2014

No Death, No Fear

“This body is not me;
 I am not caught in this body,
 I am life without boundaries,
I have never been born and I have never died.
Over there the wide ocean and the sky with many galaxies
All manifests from the basis of consciousness.
Since beginingless time I have always been free.
Birth and death are only a door through which we go in and out. 
 Birth and death are only a game of hide-and-seek.
So smile to me and take my hand and wave good-bye.
  Tomorrow we shall meet again or even before. 
We shall always be meeting again at the true source,
Always meeting again on the myriad paths of life.” 
~ Thích Nhất Hạnh, No Death, No Fear  

Abstract Watercolor Art

watercolor art available by trolleyla on etsy 


Sunday, November 9, 2014

meet God in your own temple...

"You're just left with yourself all the time, 
whatever you do anyway.
You've got to get down to your own God 
in your own temple.
It's all down to you, mate."
~ John Lennon


"Unity of One Axis"

available on etsy - by CarlingfordPeninsula 

Thursday, November 6, 2014

surrender into your own ground...

“A human being 
has so many skins inside,
 covering the depths of the heart. 
We know so many things, 
but we don't know ourselves! 
Why, thirty or forty skins or hides,
 as thick and hard as an ox's or bear's, 
cover the soul. 
Go into your own ground 
and learn 
to know yourself there.” 
~ Meister Eckhart

"Soft Surrender"

"We must walk a fine line
 between surrender and engagement. 
As we individuate,
we learn to remain open 
to the nature of uncertainty in the journey,
allowing ourselves to fearlessly unfold. 
At the same time,
our active participation in the process
 functions as a kind of dialogue
between the ego and our Buddha-nature. 
We still pay the bills, do the washing up,
and take the kids to school." 
~Rob Preece

"Lotus Center"

Monday, November 3, 2014

water the hearts of friends with Light...

(found this on my facebook feed this morning)


I Water Things Constantly

I eat flowers now, and birds follow me.

I open myself like an inlet
and dolphin energies
swim on through.

Wherever I go, I remain silent
and the silence begins to glow
till one eye in the light
outsees two in the dark.

When asked, I now hesitate
for there are so many ways
to love the earth.

I water things now constantly:
water the hearts of dead friends with light,
the sores of the living with anything warm,
water the skies with a thousand affections
and follow the voices of animals
into grasses that move like ocean.

I eat flowers now and birds come.
I eat care and things to love arrive.

I eat time and as I age
whatever I swallow grows timeless.

I eat and undie
and water my doubts
with silence
and birds come.

~ Mark Nepo

"Seussian Loop"

(large abstract watercolor and ink)

available at AmyBaroneArt on etsy 


Wednesday, October 29, 2014


 is a necessary aspect 
for the enlightening human being. 
Let us explain why..."
for the rest of the post see:

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

live content with small means...

Life as a Symphony

"To live content with small means;
to seek elegance rather than luxury,
and refinement rather than fashion;
to be worthy, not respectable,
and wealthy, not, rich;
to listen to stars and birds,
babes and sages, with open heart;
to study hard;
to think quietly, act frankly, talk gently,
await occasions, hurry never;
in a word, to let the spiritual,
unbidden and unconscious,
grow up through the common
– this is my symphony."

~ William Ellery Channing


An ACEO Art Card Original

artwork available by etsy artist - Alteredhead 

Monday, October 27, 2014

as you are...

Each one of us has to be our true self: 
fresh, solid, at ease, loving and compassionate. 
When we are our true selves, 
not only you but everyone around you 
will profit from your presence.
 Just like a beautiful tree:
 if the tree is anything but a tree 
we will all be in trouble.
~Thich Nhat Hanh

"Pine Trees, Morning Fog"

available at MarshNelsonFineArt on etsy 


Sunday, October 26, 2014

who is a good friend...

"We grew up with the sayings, 
‘New friends are silver, old friends are gold’ 
and, ‘Friends are there when you need them’.
Sometimes your best friends
 are those who are not there when you need them. 
Because then you have to go beyond need 
and you will find something much more profound 
than the comfort your mind seeks.
The most powerful things that happens sometime 
comes with much pain. 
You know by your own insight 
that you are just right 
where you are." 
~ Mooji 

ॐBeloved Master

Saturday, October 25, 2014

do the skies crumble?

Love's Voice

"Your soul will begin
to sense its depth when you stop
running from Silence."
~Richard Zimler

"Do the skies crumble?"

artwork available at RhymingScapes on etsy 


Friday, October 24, 2014

in stillness and silence the world is restored...

"Through return to simple living comes control of desires.
In control of desires Stillness is attained.
In stillness the world is restored."
~Lao Tzu


Silence is not merely the absence of sound, or noise, 
it is a state of being
at the edge of listening to nothing and something.
Silence is not an absence of words;
 it is a fullness of being.
 Health is not an absence of dis-ease,
It is a state of homeostasis.
~Samuel Avital

"Monet No. One" 
(photo used by permission)
by Louie Rochon-Photography, 2011, 
Copyright, all rights reserved, use by permission only. 
CLICK on photo for full effect.

"Monet No. One"

Thursday, October 23, 2014

taking risk is key to blossoming...

"And the day came 
when the risk 
to remain tight in a bud 
was more painful
 than the risk it took 
to blossom." 
~Anais Nin

Abstract Watercolor Artwork

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

trees are sanctuaries...

"Trees are sanctuaries. 
Whoever knows how to speak to them, 
whoever knows how to listen to them,
 can learn the truth. 
They do not preach learning and precepts, 
they preach, 
undeterred by particulars, 
the ancient law of life." 
~Hermann Hesse

"The Water and the Light"
 artwork by MichaelDavidSorensen available on etsy

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

in between the 2014 eclipses - acknowledge your Divinity...

In between the Eclipses ~ Dana Mrkich
posted 20 October, 2014

 (c) Dana Mrkich 2014. Permission is granted to share this article freely on the condition that the author is credited, and the URL is included. isa:)

"The irony of growth is that right before a leap forward, you can often feel a heaviness or restriction. If you can imagine energy trying to expand beyond the space it has previously been confined to, before it can bust out of those walls it has to breakdown or breakthrough them.

As we find ourselves in the midst of two eclipses, you may be feeling like you are halfway between leaping free of something finally, yet full of frustration, anxiety, mood swings and heart palpitations as the old comes up to be released first - and it keeps coming, and coming and coming. And this isn't just in the midst of any old eclipses - this is eclipses 2014 style.

We are picking up speed now in our new evolutionary cycle, and as much as you might look around and wonder if anything positive is actually going on with regards to our evolution, it's safe to say we are not in Kansas anymore. Our inner and outer worlds are spinning, picked up by the tornado that is this evolutionary process....where it will set us down and when is anyone's guess.

You may have experienced some restless nights and fatigue filled days lately as these latest energy waves are pushing us like never before to finally break free of yet more stuff - or more accurately at this point, finally break free of any remaining illusions that we even have stuff! In the process this energy is pushing our faces and bodies up against any remaining walls holding up our illusions.
This can feel like physical pressure coming up from within you and surrounding you, and you can often feel it around the chest area, literally like there is a tightness there. (Obviously see your health practitioner for any health concerns). Our heart, our soul, our entire energy field is expanding, and we can feel it: we feel it physically and emotionally via the parts of us that are being pushed against, being called to expand, break, collapse and transform.

Your soul is saying "Woop, I am coming up and out!!!", meanwhile your mental and emotional defenses are on over-drive, saying "What the heck is she/he doing?????!!! Doesn't she/he know she is going to get herself/himself killed/persecuted/killed/abandoned/fill in the blanks?" Meanwhile the soul is on a roll now, high on high-vibrations, "I'm coming out and I'm talking all your fabulous, owned and disowned aspects with me, woooohoooo, freedom and expression here we come, yee-ha!"
We have all outgrown our old versions of our selves. Hey, we've outgrown who we were last week, let alone old beliefs and wounds that have their roots in our childhood, in our ancestral DNA, in our collective stories and past lives. Our energy is expanding rapidly, wanting to head out into that big, open, limitless meadow where anything is possible, free of our restrictive stories.

 Yet, in the process, we keep bumping up against these walls. They are thinner than they used to be, but strangely enough the frustration and emotion they trigger is tsunami-worthy, because we can see so clearly what lies beyond them! We know now that our beliefs are just tapes we choose to keep playing. We can press stop anytime. We know that our wounds are born from the way we choose to perceive something we experienced, but we can adjust our lens of perception anytime. We know that many of our emotional reactions are old habits and addictions that are holding on for dear life. We know that we no longer have to be defined by anything that doesn't feel good, or right or true for us. We are, at this stage, a little bit like the elephants who have long outgrown their tiny chains - but after so long being chained up we haven't quite realised just how free of our 'stuff' we can be if we choose it.
It is natural for all that isn't in alignment with who we really are to come flaring up for a last hurrah as we shift up and into who we really are. The challenge is this: not to get sucked up into all that dust, believing that the existence of this dust must be evidence that nothing is changing, or that clearly you really are identified by that dust. The dust is a good sign. It's a sign that you just smashed a big hole in some wall, or even demolished one fully. The dust is an opportunity to turn to those suffocating thoughts and emotions that have come up and say: Hey, I don't choose you anymore...thank you for leaving now.
May many of your walls come down at this time.
May you blow the dust away with your breath. I mean that literally, just stop, inhale, exhale, let it go.
Breathe freedom in and out of your heart and chest. Feel that area opening and expanding.
Repeat if you resonate: I am free now on all levels, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, cellular, DNA, ancestral and etheric, across all time, space and dimensions. Thank you.

(c) Dana Mrkich 2014. Permission is granted to share this article freely on the condition that the author is credited, and the URL is included. isa:)

Acknowledge your Divinity

Monday, October 20, 2014

be the mirror...

"Our greatest advice to you would be to embrace being the fully present 
and joyful ambassadors of love you are on the planet to be. 
When you allow that beautiful and sacred mission to take the lead, 
you will transform all of your circumstances 
with the energy you hold. You will step out of the illusion and into your true beingness. 
You will be the shining example of joyful 
and loving purpose others will want to experience for themselves."

 ~Archangel Gabriel

Trinity Esoterics - sourced from facebook

Sunday, October 19, 2014

our holiness is reflected everywhere...if we see right.

"Can you see the holiness in those things you take for granted –
a paved road or a washing machine?
If you concentrate on finding what is good in every situation,
you will discover that your life will suddenly be filled with gratitude,
a feeling that nurtures the soul."

~Rabbi Harold Kushner

"Woodland" watercolor painting

available at RPeppers on 

Saturday, October 18, 2014

everything emptying into white...

"I built my house from barley rice
Green pepper walls and water ice
Tables of paper wood, windows of light
And everything emptying into white.

A simple garden, with acres of sky
A Brown-haired dogmouse
If one dropped by
Yellow Delanie would sleep well at night
With everything emptying into white.

A sad Blue eyed drummer rehearses outside
A Black spider dancing on top of his eye
Red legged chicken stands ready to strike
And everything emptying into white.

I built my house from barley rice
Green pepper walls and water ice
And everything emptying into white."
by Cat Stevens 

Microcosm I 

 Printable Art

artwork by nomadprintables on etsy