means bliss, salama means peace.
Bliss can have two expressions: either
it can be an ecstasy, overflowing,
or it can be silence, peace,
stillness. If bliss flows outward it is ecstatic.
If it simply remains
in then it is peace, and peace is a higher state than ecstasy.
Even if
one has attained to ecstatic joy, one has to go one step more,
one cannot remain in ecstasy forever; it tires.
All kinds of excitement are tiring; although this is spiritual
still it tires. It can't become a permanent state; you
cannot live in it forever -
you will have to rest.
But one can
be in peace forever, so that seems to be more natural.
Sufis are
ecstatic - they dance, they sing.
Buddha sits silently.
There is no
visible dance, there is no visible song, but there is utter peace.
dance has been transcended.
Even song has disappeared into silence.
So the dance that dances not is the highest,
and the song that remains
silent is the greatest - that is the song of the songs.
But one has to
begin with ecstasy.
The right procedure is to begin with great ecstasy -
dance, song, expression -
and then slowly slowly to let all disappear
into bliss."
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