Wednesday, January 1, 2014

wherever you go there you are....

"You are immortal; 
you exist
 for billions of years
in different manifestations, 
you are Life,
and Life cannot die. 
You are in the trees, 
the butterflies, 
the fish, 
the air, 
the moon, 
the sun.
Wherever you go, 
you are there,
waiting for yourself."
~ Don Miguel Ruiz ~


extraordinary relationships said...

Hi Sarah, I came upon your blog by happy accident and have spent some time this morning reading through your posts. I'm impressed, inspired and like what I read from your words. May I ask your birth year? I was born in 55' making me 58. I am always amazed by the thoughts and conversations that are around, being generated and shared and wonder regarding the age of the sharers and how we came to these thoughts, ideas and wisdom based on our common experience even though we're from vary different backgrounds. Thanks for putting your spiritual expressions out for otherwise to experience.

Sarah said...

Hi! I was born in '58 which makes me 55. I was drawn to the teachings of Self Realization by Paramahansa Yogananda in my mid 20's and was not in a place then where I could receive the Truth. I had to free myself of the cult I grew up in and then de-brainwash myself from those teachings before going on to the deeper ongoing quest for true freedom of spiritual liberation. Light and Love are all around us when we refuse to believe the mind that likes to say otherwise. <3

extraordinary relationships said...

The brainwashing comes forms so any varied and persistent sources. I have been spiritual all if my life (duh) but really took on spiritual growth in 1998 and mostly because I wanted to have powerful intimate love relationships way beyond what had been occurring up to that point in my life. I think the one I am currently most actively engaged in having is the loving of me from the source level. This seems to be what has been missing and remains so to date. Just not clear on how to receive it and believe it.
I read some of your words as I came across your blog. Your own truth is powerfully expressed within. I somehow came to your writing as I was searching the web for a Sharon Lebell edition of Epictetus-The art of living. And now I can not find the spot of entry again. Love the literal web.
Would like to read/hear some more of your accumulated wisdom and words in your blog posts.

Your "about me" section said that you went to Florida at some point. I also lived there from age 3 to 12 on the east coast in Jupiter. Moved back when I was 17 and enlisted in the army there and shipped out from Miami. My wife and I and our 5th child -unschooled still at 15- visit annually and will be there this new year in February around West Palm Beach area -Wellington as this kid of ours plays polo as his passion and we have family there associated with a polo family.
Thanks for responding and again for sharing yourself.

Sarah said...

Love is the reality...all else is bad translation...or something like that by Rumi. Truly we are all already Spirit dreaming of being humans, etc. Longing for the best loving human relationship is simply our own hunger/thirst/longing for our own Spiritual Self.

You may be able to find the (Sharon Lebell) site you're looking for in your browser's search history.

Kudos on the "unschooling" ...sounds like it's working out!

Yep, I am currently housing my body and worldly possessions on the SW coast of Fla. :-)...just hanging out till my expiration date, and [hoping] I'm being useful to others in their "waking up journey".